Every club needs new members. And a Key Club promotional video can be a powerful tool in your recruitment plan.
New Key Club leaders, it’s time to spread the word about what makes your club great — and why more students should join you. That means you need a recruitment plan, and a Key Club promotional video is a great place to start.
This video details all the leadership and service opportunities — not to mention the fun and friendships — that make Key Club the largest high school service organization in the world.
But don’t stop there. Personalize your recruitment efforts by making your own club video.
A powerful video brings your club and its members to life. It captures the close friendships, the influential leadership opportunities and the impactful service projects that make your club so special.
Put your club’s creativity to work. Coordinate with your members to create a promotional video that tells your club’s story — and invites others to join in. Don’t forget to share how Key Club enables members to gain fundraising experience while increasing awareness about some of today’s most pressing issues, including clean water, education access and mental health.
Set your membership goals and start mapping out your recruitment plan, including a club video component. It’s a great way for your club to get exposure.
And here’s a bonus: You can enter your club’s video in your district’s Key Club promotional video contest. Clubs with winning videos at the district level go on to compete internationally. Find contest criteria here, then talk to your lieutenant governor about how to proceed.
Increase the impact of your club video by incorporating these resources into your recruitment plan.
And don’t forget, if you want a video to share while you’re creating your own masterpiece, we’ve got you covered! Check it out our new promotional video here.