Thanks for collecting funds in those little orange boxes during Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. If you haven’t submitted the donations to the Kiwanis Children’s Fund, now’s the time. Complete the gift form and mail it along with a check or money order made payable to the Kiwanis Children’s Fund to:
Kiwanis Children’s Fund
P.O. Box 6457 – Dept. #286
Indianapolis, IN 46206
ATTN: Trick-or-Treat
Write your club name or number and “Trick-or-Treat on the check’s memo line. If your club uses Coinstar or a similar coin-counting kiosk, please send the donations directly to the Kiwanis Children’s Fund, not UNICEF USA, so that your club receives credit and donations are applied to The Eliminate Project. By sending your check directly to the Kiwanis Children’s Fund, we can keep track of all funds raised by the Kiwanis family.