By Bonnie Sturm, Parsippany Hills High School (New Jersey) advisor
I have been a Key Club advisor since September 1998. My favorite memories have been in two areas: service and my members’ personal growth.
Our club has grown to become the largest service club in our school, and over the years we have added several service projects that we continue on an annual basis. Some of the members’ favorites: We tag every locker in the school (more than 1,600) with a Viking head picture (our school mascot) for back–to–school night and again with colorful Valentine hearts for Valentine’s Day; we make cheer cards and decorations for the Children’s Specialized Hospital several times a year; and our favorite event is our Annual Senior Citizen Dinner Theater, where we invite seniors from our town to enjoy a delicious Italian dinner followed by the final dress rehearsal of our school’s spring musical. Our members love interacting with and talking to the seniors. A great addition these past few years has been having the cast come out in costume before the show to interact and talk to our guests.
We also have had many club members become state and international officers: lieutenant governors, treasurers, editor, and international vice president. I have loved watching them come into their own and grow and mature as leaders. This club has been invaluable for them to find their voices and grow tremendously as leaders and young adults as they work their way through their high school years. I am proud of all of my club members, some who have gone on to become teachers and club advisors themselves.