It’s so hard to not procrastinate. In this day and age where the use of technology is prevalent among our demographic, it’s hard to stay productive. Google Chrome is the most used internet browser with it being the choice of 60% of all internet users. Google Chrome extensions can have a range of functions, from art, to games, to even helping us stay productive. Here’s a list of extensions that will keep you on track!

  • Boomerang This extension works in conjunction with Gmail and can send automatic emails. This tool can send emails on repeat and after send dates.
  • Cite This For Me: Web Citer Do you hate having to copy and paste citations into a separate website? Look no further, this extension does it for you on the actual webpage, it has APA, Chicago, MLA, and Harvard citation styles.
  • TimeStats This app helps you know how much time you’ve spent on websites for the past day, week, month, or year. If you used well, it’s a tool that will help you realign your focus and spend less time on useless sites.
  • StayFocusd Have you ever procrastinated on an assignment because you couldn’t stop binge watching slime videos? StayFocusd is a website for those who have trouble staying away from time consuming websites. It restricts the time you spend on certain sites and blocks them after you’ve reached your daily time quota.
  • Loom Hate writing directions? Loom is an extension that helps you screen record, narrate, and share videos with others.
  • One Tab Are the type of person who has a million tabs opened at once? One Tab simplifies all of these tabs into an easy to read list on your toolbar.
  • Timewarp With this extension, if you’re ever caught on an unproductive website, this extension can redirect you to a motivational quote, a timer,or a more productive website.
  • Hovercard Have you ever thought a website seemed sketchy? With this extension, you can hover over a link and get a quick preview of what is to come. This is a great way to save some loading time and make sure nothing problematic is to come.
  • Extensity Of course, having too many extensions can also be overkill, as it can clutter your toolbar, but with Extensify, you can manage and see your extensions in one simply list on your toolbar.

All in all, you don’t have to be compelled to download a million extensions at once, but something that we don’t typically think about, like Google Chrome Extensions can vastly improve our time management skills and increase our work