Emily Rice from the Minnesota-Dakotas District was elected Key Club International’s 2018-19 president by delegates at the 75th annual convention in Chicago. Rice begins her term immediately and will serve as president until July 6, 2019, when the next president will be elected at the 2019 convention in Baltimore, Maryland.
Hannah Nivar was elected to serve as the 2018-19 vice president. Nivar is from the New Jersey District. Both Emily and Hannah served on the 2017-18 Key Club International Board of Trustees.
Delegates also elected the 2018-19 Key Club International Board of Trustees:
- Krysta Couzi, Rocky Mountain District
- Braedon Dorchester, New York District
- Alice Geng, Minnesota-Dakotas District
- Jennifer Harned, Southwest District
- Foster Hillis, Texas-Oklahoma District
- Grace Ison, Pennsylvania District
- Lamiya Kudrati, Florida District
- K’Lena Schnack, Nebraska-Iowa District
- Me’Shale Sherwood, Jamaica District
- Cindy Shou, Capital District
- Leslie Truong, Carolinas District
Delegates also approved five amendments to the Key Club International Bylaws and rejected one other.
Passed as amended:
Amendment 1: to provide that district counselors must be Key Club International Board members and that another role of counselors would be to support districts in accomplishing directives and upholding bylaws.
Amendment 2: to clarify the process for establishing district boundaries and to put in writing the requirement for district administrators.
Amendment 3: to clarify what it means to be a member by including reference to “community clubs” as well as traditional clubs.
Amendment 4: to broaden the ability of the board to fill vacancies in the office of trustee between conventions.
Amendment 6: to revise the nominating conference process.
These amendments are subject to approval by the Kiwanis Youth Programs Board prior to going into effect.

2018-19 Key Club International Board (Back row, left to right) Cindy Shou, Grace Ison, Jennifer Harned, Foster Hillis, Braedon Dorchester) (Front row, left to right) Lamiya Kudrati, Krysta Couzi, Leslie Truong, Hannah Nivar (vice-president), Emily Rice (president), Me’Shale Sherwood, K’Lena Schnack, Alice Geng