
I am David Robaina from the Southwest District, and I’m incredibly excited to serve as the 2024-25 Key Club International president. 

I joined Key Club as a freshman, not because I knew what it was or what it stood for, but because I was nervous to be starting at a new school. In a time of anxiety and loneliness, I wanted to be closer to my older brother Danny, who was serving as a Key Club lieutenant governor at the time. 

I find comfort in my siblings, and while my actual family has always been front and center, over the past three years Key Club has transformed into a second family of sorts — something I believe many members can relate to. 

I ran for president under the campaign “Key Club 2030 — The Journey to 300,000 Members.” By maximizing connections, empowering our student leaders, elevating our membership experience and ensuring that Key Club truly is an organization for all, the heart of “Key Club 2030” is to make real and lasting improvements so that more and more students all over the world can find a home in Key Club. 

I can’t wait to see where this year takes us! 

Yours in Service, 

David Robaina