Written by Anna Wei, St. Petersburg High School Key Club Editor.

It all started when a local K-Kids club president had an idea: kindness kits.  

As a result, the newly chartered K-Kids club in Azalea Elementary in Florida, U.S., sparked a collaboration with the St. Petersburg High School Key Club and the Sunshine City, St. Petersburg Kiwanis Club.  

In fact, the Key Club applied for a Florida Opportunity Fund grant through the Key Club Florida District to help support the project. The grant was awarded, and the three clubs held two events where members packed hygiene bags for unhoused people in the community.  

The 400-gallon bags contained granola bars, deodorant, hand sanitizer, wet wipes, socks, washcloths and other hygiene products. 

“It was a great experience,” says Liam Poole, a St. Petersburg High freshman Key Club member. “It’s nice to see so many kids already interested in service in fourth and fifth grade. I think it’s amazing what they have been able to accomplish and organize.” 

The event fostered connections among all the club members, he adds, and that helps younger members look forward to continuing their service journey in the Kiwanis family.  

“It’s really important to have more interclub events so that the K-Kids have an example of what Key Club looks like,” Poole says. 

The event went smoothly and much more quickly than expected, says Quinn Morrison, chair of the club’s Homeless Meals Committee, former Financial Committee Chair for the Key Club Florida District and grant cowriter.  

“I hope these bags will help people in need,” Morrison adds. “I also hope this event will inspire future St. Pete High Key Club members to take advantage of the Florida Opportunity Fund for their future service projects.” 

The St. Petersburg Kiwanis family hopes to make the Kindness Kits project an annual event.

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