Don’t miss out – register now for the 2025 Key Club Convention!

What Key Club can do for you!

Whether fundraising for an important cause, reading to kindergartners or kicking off a recycling program, Key Club members serve with passion and enthusiasm. Take a closer look at what a Key Club can do for you and your school.

Develop healthy students

Key Club members become more effective and confident members of their communities as they serve and learn that they can influence real social challenges, problems and needs.

Improve academic achievement

Statistics show that students who devote time to serving others perform better in school.*

*Eugene C. Roehlkepartain, Benefits of Community-Based Service Learning

Encourage service learning

Key Club is an opportunity for service learning that can complement or supplement programs at your school. Specifically, Key Club members learn much about service leadership during their time as members.

Additionally, Key Club has established an endowed fund called the Youth Opportunities Fund which provides grants for clubs and members as well as scholarships for members.

Build leaders

Key Club members develop strong leadership skills with each opportunity to step up and take part in service projects, social activities and club functions.

Increase visibility

Getting connected with a Key Club and the sponsoring Kiwanis club can help enhance your reputation in the community.

Enhance school culture

Service projects that engage students also can improve your school’s physical environment.

Has Key Club made a difference in your life?