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Key Club Meeting Kit

Joint School-Community Reflection

Before this meeting, assemble a project planning team with club officers and three to five club members. As a team, meet with the school administrator who collaborates with Key Club and review guidelines for a potential community event. Approvals by school administrators might be needed before club planning begins. In addition, identify other school or community groups that might want to participate in a community event. It could be conducted virtually or in person depending upon the school and community’s status and regulations.

1. Welcome

a. Introductions.

i. Introduce officers.

ii.  Introduce advisor.

iii.  Introduce guests.

b. Icebreakers — Check out these ideas to kick off the meeting.

2. Old business

a. List all outstanding club projects from the last few months. What has been completed? What is still outstanding on any projects?

b. Review the assignments for those remaining projects. Make sure everyone, including guests, is involved.

3. New business

a. Take time to reflect together as a club and as individual members on experiences from last year. (Like in other meetings, it might be good to have a school counselor in attendance for assistance.)

i. Check out these videos during your reflection time: “You Will Be Found” and “You’ll Never Walk Alone.

b. After taking time to reflect, have club members share experiences from this year. Try this activity: Give every member a piece of paper. Read the discussion questions below and have each member write their answers and thoughts. Then, take turns sharing as each member feels comfortable. Do this as an entire club or in small groups.

i. General reflection questions to consider:

a) What did I learn about myself from the last year?

b) What inspired or surprised me during the last year?

c) What “servant leaders” did I observe in the community/nation/world?

d) What acts of service did I observe close to me or far away?

e) How do I look at the global community now?

f) How will I approach the in-person school year now?

ii. Questions to brainstorm what your club can do for your school: 

a) Who were the helpers that made the year better?

b) Who should we thank and remember?

c) How are these people “servant leaders”?

d) What should we do for an event, virtually and/or in person?

e) What other school and community groups could be partners for the event?

iii. Questions to reflect on community leaders and brainstorm ideas for a community-based event:

a) Who were the helpers that made the year better?

b) Who should we thank and remember?

c) How are these people “servant leaders”?

d) What should we do for an event, virtually and/or in person?

e) What are other possible partners for the event?

c. Once the activity is finished, gather all responses and ideas and give them to the planning team.

4. Home project

a. Refer to the open projects discussed earlier in the meeting and review assignments.

b. Check in with the new officers to see how their training meetings are going.

c. Make sure the Time for Reflection planning committee schedules a meeting.

5. Adjournment

a. Thank everyone for their participation, especially the guests.

b. Give details about the next meeting.

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