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Key Club Meeting Kit

Hunger and Food Insecurity

1. Welcome

a. Introductions.

i. Introduce officers.

ii.  Introduce advisor.

iii.  Introduce guests.

b. Icebreakers — Check out these ideas to kick off the meeting.

2. Old business 

a. Review current club projects.

b. Visit other meeting kits to find ideas for service projects and club meetings.

3. New business  

a. Before the meeting, have a few designated members review the video resources and determine which one to show to the club. Also contact local food banks to see what is needed in the community.

b. Hunger/Food insecurity — This has been a continuing problem in most communities and has been aggravated by the coronavirus. Watch the chosen video(s) as an introduction to this project.

i. What observations did we make from viewing the video(s)?

ii. What is the difference between hunger and food insecurity?

iii. What have club members observed in our community?

c. Listen to a report from club members who checked with the local food bank to see what is needed in our community. (If a representative of the food bank can join a meeting, this will be a great addition to the discussion.)

d. Discuss options for a club project to address this community need. Refer to the project list and input from the community.

e. Set up committee to plan the club project and set a timeline for activities.

4. Special project: The Thirst Project 

a. For several years, Key Club International has partnered with the Thirst Project, which has sought to provide clean water to those who do not have it. Either at the end of the meeting or at a special time, watch the video that explains their work.

b. Discuss this project and determine what the club might do to support it.

5. Home project 

a. Review plans for hunger and food insecurity project — ask all club members to research the community needs and report back at the next meeting.

6. Adjournment 

a. Thank everyone, especially the guests, for their participation.

b. Give details about next meeting.

Usage survey — As we look ahead, we would appreciate your input on the meeting kits. Please take this survey to give us your feedback and suggest any topics you would like to see in future kits!

Download a PDF of this kit.