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Key Club Meeting Kit

Happy New Year of Service

1. Welcome

a. Introductions.

i. Introduce officers.

ii.  Introduce advisor.

iii.  Introduce guests.

b. Icebreakers — Check out these ideas to kick off the meeting.

2. Old business — Reports on last year’s club projects.

a. Receive reports from members on current projects. Visit the Key Club meeting kits to review projects or for project ideas.

b. Discuss these topics with your club:

i. What did we learn from the projects?

ii. What worked well?

iii. What can we improve on our next project?

iv. What new partnerships did we develop?

v. What needs to be finished with any of the projects?

vi. Assign members to complete unfinished project tasks. Remember to create thank you notes for people in your school and community.

c. Reflect on these questions about your club’s service:

i. Can we quantify the impact of our club’s first-semester work?

ii. How many hours did our club serve?

iii. How many people did our club’s work impact?

d. Share the club’s projects and the impact the club made with other Key Clubs and Key Club International by using #KeyClubMeets on social media.

3. New business

a. Before the meeting, have club officers review the community assessment that our club completed at the start of the semester. Post that information so all members can see what was discussed during the school year to date.

i. What specific projects that the club wanted to focus on in 2022-23 have not yet been addressed?

ii. If the club did not complete a community assessment, visit the Back to School and Community Needs meeting kits and use the activities to assess which parts of the community most need help.

b. Begin planning for the rest of the year. Consider these questions:

i. Which projects should our club focus on at this time?

ii. What parts of the community have we not helped enough?

4. Home project

a. Review assignments for the completion of current projects.

b. Review assignments for projects for the remainder of the school year.

c. Allow time for committees to plan meetings.

5. Adjournment

a. Thank everyone for their participation, especially the guests.

b. Give details about the next meeting.

Usage survey — As we look ahead, we would appreciate your input on the meeting kits. Please take this survey to give us your feedback and suggest any topics you would like to see in future kits!

Download a PDF of this kit.