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Key Club Meeting Kit

Club Officer Elections

Key Club procedures call for a club officer election in February each year. This allows time for new officers to work with retiring officers during the remainder of the school year. Over the course of this year, many clubs are meeting in different ways or not meeting at all. Due to this, the timing of club officer elections might vary this year. For more guidance on the timing of officer elections, please consult with your student activities office and your principal.

1. Welcome

a. Introductions.

i. Introduce officers.

ii.  Introduce advisor.

iii.  Introduce guests.

b. Icebreakers — Check out these ideas to kick off the meeting.

2. Old business 

a. List all outstanding club projects from the last few months — what has been completed? What is still outstanding on any projects?

b. Review project assignments and make sure every member is involved. Include guests as well.

3. Club officer elections

a. For guidance on election procedures, view the Key Club officer elections worksheet.

b. View these two videos to help prepare for club elections and virtual elections.

i. How to conduct club elections. 

ii. How to conduct virtual elections. 

c. Club officers and advisor should set an election schedule that allows sufficient time for all members to participate.

4. New club officer training

a. Check out these Key Club resources for newly elected officers.

i. Officer toolkit. 

ii. Guides for each officer position.

b. Visit Key Club International’s YouTube channel and other club or district channels for election videos and recorded workshops. Search a position such as “Key Club president” to find helpful videos and tools.

5. Home project

a. Refer to the projects review from earlier in the meeting — review assignments.

b. Work with newly elected officers to access training resources. Plan a time for each officer, both old and new, to talk before the next club meeting.

c. Save time for project committees to schedule meetings.

6. Adjournment

a. Thank everyone for their participation, especially guests.

b. Give details about next meeting.

Download a PDF of this kit.