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Glossary of Terms

Key Club International terms

Key Club International convention:

A weeklong event held in early July every year, during which Key Club members from around the world gather to learn, share ideas, elect new international officers and make decisions on the international level. Each Key Club is encouraged to send members to this event.  

Key Club International Board of Trustees:

Key Club is led at the international level by a student board of trustees, representing many districts. Key Club International offices include president, vice president and 11 trustees. Each trustee is responsible for acting as a liaison between the Key Club International board and at least two Key Club districts. 

Membership Update Center (MUC):

This is the database that all Key Clubs use to update membership status for their members. The Kiwanis advisor, faculty advisor, club president, treasurer and the club secretary have access to this database through Kiwanis International. For a tutorial on how to use the membership update center visit, kiwanis.org/mucvideo.  

Monthly report form (MRF):

Forms that summarize the service each Key Club does every month. The secretary from each club oversees the completion and submission of the form to the district each month. These forms are used by the lieutenant governor and the district to monitor how each club is doing and to provide necessary assistance.  

Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF):

An endowed fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis Children’s Fund. This fund uses earned interest to help Key Clubs and their members serve the world by providing grants for service opportunities. The fund also provides academic scholarships for higher education. The Youth Opportunities Fund was established through a portion of Key Club International dues and through the purchase of G. Harold Martin Fellowships. 

District-specific terms

District administrator (DA):

The person appointed by the Kiwanis district responsible for advising the Key Club district board and committees, in addition to carrying out the administrative functions of the district, such as planning the logistics of the district convention and training conferences. This person also assists clubs and advisors when necessary.  

District convention (DCON):

This event is where executive officers are elected, club officers are trained, members are educated through student-led workshops, ideas are shared between clubs, and members can network with members from other clubs. Visit your district’s web page for more information on when and where your district convention will be held.  

District governors:

Key Club governors are the chief executive officers of each district. They work closely with other international and district officers to strengthen and expand Key Club. The district governor appoints all standing and temporary district committees and presides at the annual district convention and other district meetings.  

Divisional council meeting (DCM):

Also referred to as the presidents council meeting, this meeting is led by the lieutenant governor to provide updates on divisional and district happenings and an opportunity for one-on-one assistance for clubs. Officers and members from each club are highly encouraged to attend. Advisors are welcome as well. Service projects and social events are often carried out in conjunction with these meetings.  

Lieutenant governor:

The person in this position leads the division, carries out district policies and provides support to clubs.