Positions: Club leadership positions may include class director, editor, webmaster, treasurer, secretary, vice president and president.
Responsibilities: Club leaders are crucial to Key Club International. They manage the club’s operations and service projects and represent their members in the community, district and organization.
Elections: Clubs hold elections right before the district convention or at the start of the new school year. An election committee provides oversight, usually composed of graduating members and the advisor to oversee the process. Inform the committee of your interest in running for election and ask questions as needed.
Alternative opportunities: If you do not get elected to your first choice of leadership position, you may be able to run for another office, including lieutenant governor.
Running for district office
Positions: District leadership positions may include committee chair, lieutenant governor, editor, webmaster, secretary, treasurer, and governor. Check your district’s bylaws for specifics on elected and appointed positions.
Responsibilities: District officers each play a role in supporting clubs. They hold district board meetings, host service leadership programs, facilitate club operations and communicate regularly. District board members act as Key Club’s voice in the district. Officers create portfolios and work throughout the year to achieve the distinguished award associated with their office. Review the award criteria before running to understand job expectations.
Elections: District board members are elected at the annual district convention, typically held between February and April. An election committee, composed of graduating members and the district administrator, ensures the process follows the district bylaws.
Alternative Opportunities: If you do not get elected to your first choice, you may be able to run for another office, including a position on the international board.
Running for international office
Positions: At the international level, there are 11 trustees, a vice president and a president. Each trustee serves at least two districts, working closely with the district governors to support the clubs. International board members also serve on committees to help lead the Key Club program.
Responsibilities: International board members support clubs by working with district leaders. They hold international board meetings, host service leadership programs and communicate regularly to inform districts of important operations and events. International board members serve as the voice of Key Club to Kiwanis International and work regularly with Key Club International staff. Read about the role of the international board in the Key Club International Bylaws and Policies.
Elections: The board is elected at the annual Key Club International convention in July. Candidates for the Key Club International board should seek their district’s endorsement at the time of the district convention or House of Delegates. Once endorsed, a candidate fills out the statement of candidacy form and attends online candidate orientation meetings. Attending the annual Key Club International convention is required to run for the Key Club International board.