For Key Club district leaders, there are four terms regarding club status that you should know. Why are they important? Because members from clubs in good standing can attend events, get the Global Leadership Certificate and access opportunities for scholarships, resume-building and recognition. Members also can run for official leadership positions.  

Bookmark this page for easy reference as you work in your districts to keep clubs in good standing. 


An active Key Club is a club in good standing. In September, all active Key Clubs are notified by Key Club International that it is time to pay the upcoming year’s dues: 

  • If a Key Club pays its dues by November 1, the club will receive an “early bird” award. 
  • If the club doesn’t pay by December 1, its status becomes “past due.” 
  • If a Key Club fails to pay by February 1, it will enter “suspended” club status. 


A Key Club is suspended if the club doesn’t pay dues by February 1. Once suspended, the club must follow these steps during that fiscal year to become active again: 

  1. Advisors: Log in to the Kiwanis Connect site, where the Membership Update Center is housed. Update officers’ contact information first so the club’s officers (president, secretary and treasurer) can log in and update club membership. 
  2. Club officers: Gather information from each member, including email addresses and expected year of graduation. Add new members, keep returning members and remove members who have left. Do not delete returning members — only delete unpaid or nonreturning members. 
  3. Advisors: Log in to the Kiwanis Connect site, where the Membership Update Center is housed. Ensure the current roster is up to date and select “Complete roster/Print Invoice” to generate an invoice. Select the finance tab, select the invoice and choose your payment/print option. Submit payment online or print the invoice and send with a check to:  

Kiwanis Youth Programs 

P.O. Box 6069  

Dept. 123  

Indianapolis, Indiana, 46206 

 When a suspended Key Club pays member dues, the club will regain “active” status. If no payment is received by October 1 (i.e., the beginning of the following fiscal year), the club’s status will become “inactive.” 


An inactive Key Club is one that has gone one year without paying its membership dues. Once inactive, the club cannot use the Membership Update Center. 

 To regain active status, the club must reactivate by paying the requested fees. First, download and follow the instructions on the petition to reactivate. Here are the basic instructions: 

  • Work with the school administration and the sponsoring Kiwanis advisor to complete sponsor information. Follow instructions on the form for community-based clubs. 
  • Create a roster (in Excel or Word): Collect information from each club officer and member, including first and last name, graduation year and email address.  
  • Calculate dues owed: Using information from the Key Club dues and reporting page, determine the total amount due for the entire club or request an invoice. To obtain an invoice, email the roster information above to , and an invoice will be sent to the club. 
  • Identify the club: When dues have been calculated or the invoice has been received, include the club name and ID number on the check. 
  • Mail the check and roster to: 

Kiwanis International 

Attn: Service Leadership Programs & Chartering 

3636 Woodview Trace 

Indianapolis, IN 46268 

When an inactive Key Club pays member dues, the club will regain “active” status. 


After two years of inactive status, a club’s charter is revoked. A charter-revoked Key Club has lost its connection with Key Club International. To regain its status as an “active” club, a charter-revoked club must charter again at the full cost. 

 Learn more about club reports and dues.