Learn about an important decision to be made at the Key Club International convention. 

When Key Club members gather in Anaheim, California, U.S., July 5-9, the House of Delegates has work to do: elect the next year’s international board, vote on bylaws amendments and more. One of those important decisions involves annual dues. The 2022-23 Key Club International Board of Trustees is presenting an amendment to raise annual member dues to US$10 from the current US$7.   

A dues increase is never an easy decision, but it’s crucial to the health of Key Club. After months of research, discussion and debate, the board is making this recommendation based on the following information. 

 Why do we need a dues adjustment? 

  • Key Club hasn’t raised dues in almost a decade. Our last increase was in 2014. As we all know, the cost of everything has gone up since then. The pandemic negatively affected the number of clubs and members we have. In 2022, as we began emerging from COVID-19’s worst effects, Key Club had 64,319 fewer members than we did in 2014, and we had lost nearly half a million dollars in revenue. That revenue loss has hurt Key Club’s ability to address future challenges. 

Our membership is recovering. Still, it’s going to take time to reach our pre-pandemic levels. But here’s the good news: Key Club has a lot of room for growth. Did you know only 15% of U.S. high schools — about 4,000 out of 27,000 — currently have a Key Club? 

There’s a lot of opportunity for us to share how great our organization is and to make sure as many students as possible have access to a Key Club in their school. The requested dues adjustment can help us get there. 

What have Key Club International staff members done to save money? 

It’s important to know that Key Club International staff and the Kiwanis Youth Programs Board of Directors have been doing their part to cut costs. Compared to the year 2017, Key Club staff have: 

  • Reduced staffing expenses by US$150,000. 
  • Cut travel costs by US$63,000. 
  • Saved US$150,000 by moving more materials online to reduce printing/mailing costs. 

How could we potentially use the additional dues? 

Possible options include: 

  • Rebuilding our reserves so we can ensure the growth and health of Key Club and be prepared for any future challenges. 
  • Investing in technology that will help us better serve members, advisors and clubs — now and in the future. 
  • Developing and enhancing the growth of new and existing clubs by strengthening our resources and creating new programs and opportunities for our members. 

These options have been recommended by Key Club International staff members at our office in Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S. All final decisions are made by the Kiwanis Youth Programs Board of Directors. 

This is an important decision for the future of Key Club. Additional information and opportunities to discuss the dues adjustment will be provided between now and convention. Please consider supporting increased funding for Key Club so that we can create an even brighter future for Key Club members! 

How can our Key Club be a part of the decision? 

Each Key Club can select two delegates and two alternates to represent the club at the House of Delegates during the Key Club International convention. Learn more about the convention and how to register.

Whether you are participating as a delegate or alternate and will be involved in the vote, or you simply want to learn more about the need for the proposed dues amendment, you can find details here. 

We look forward to seeing you at the 2023 Key Club International Convention! Attend convention so you can be a part of charting the next 100 years of Key Club.