Over your school break, take some extra time to develop your Key Club. Resources are available on keyclub.org/resources. For example:
Personal invitations (recruitment). A great way to attract new Key Club members is to personally invite them to join you in service and leadership. Use these flyers and cards to let people know how to join your club.
Officer toolkit. Get tips for growing your club, engaging members at meetings and staying connected online with your district. Lieutenant governors and advisors can use the next few months to train new Key Club officers in their divisions.
Other great resources include:
- Recruitment posters. Before the next school year begins, share these posters on your club’s website and through social media.
- Tri-fold brochure. Leave these with potential members and their parents/guardians — to help them understand the benefits of Key Club.
- Key Club Member Guidebook. Get details about awards and recognition available through Key Club International.
- Key Club Advisor Guide. While you relax and recharge during your break, brush up on tools to implement the service, leadership and engagement-learning model.
- Youth Opportunities Fund. Start planning your next big service project. Apply for a Youth Opportunities Fund grant, which ranges from US$100 to $2,000. Clubs and members can apply for this endowment from the Kiwanis Children’s Fund until October 15, 2021.
- Virtual meeting kits. Packed with resources and tips, all in a prepared meeting agenda, they’ll help you plan your next service year.
- Service directory. Find great ideas for service projects — or share some of your own — to help clubs plan their service. It’s also a chance for your own club to be featured.