2018 is coming, and it’s time to think about changes we want to make in our lives next year. Unfortunately, breaking your New Year’s resolution before February is almost as much a tradition as making a resolution in the first place. (Congrats to you if you’ve kept yours the entire year!) For those who have tried and failed, here are a few tips to help you stick with your resolution this year.
1. Write it down
Print it, laminate it, frame it—whatever works for you. Put it where you will see it every day, like your locker or nightstand. Seeing your goal will help remind you of what you are shooting for and keep you on track to becoming the version of yourself you want to be.
2. Be honest with yourself
Know what you are capable of doing and commit to doing what’s within reason. Don’t set yourself up by making a resolution that’s completely unattainable.
3. Keep going
Real talk? You’re probably going to slip up. Don’t let that stop you. Keep going! Give yourself a little grace and know that a misstep does not mean you should just give up.
4. Get a buddy
Keeping a resolution on your own is hard. Make it easier by having an accountability partner who helps keep you on track. Encourage everyone in your club to participate and support each other, or make resolutions as a club. What changes do you want to see in your club by the end of the year?