We know you love your friends. But sometimes it’s easy to take them for granted. A few simple steps can keep you connected and strengthen your bond.

  1. Listen: Sometimes your friends just need an ear to listen. Taking time to fully process what the person is saying before jumping in to offer advice can help you better understand their perspective and challenges.
  2. Say “thank you:” These two words can be the most impactful and meaningful to a friendship. Let them know how much their friendship means to you.
  3. Be present: When you spend time with your friends, put away your phone and focus on who’s in front of you.
  4. Know when to say “sorry:” It can be hard to admit when you are wrong, but a friendship is worth it. When you say it, mean it.
  5. Be positive: Send them an uplifting message if they are having a rough day or a quote that inspires you if they are heading into an important interview. The light of your positivity will brighten their day!